Friday 13 April 2012

Welcome to the Nyika Vwaza Trust’s second blog entry for 2012.

Nyika is looking beautiful and green at this time of year. The pastures are attracting large herds of eland (200+) and are seen only 3 kms from the Chilinda camp. The zebra are always nearby to greet us as we come and go from home. It is pleasing to note the number of young with the eland, zebra and roan.

There are plenty of beautiful orchids to be seen edging the dambos and settled in attractive
clumps on the northern and eastern slopes of many of the ridges.

When our chairperson Chris Walker and Geoff visited Lake Kazuni at Vwaza Marsh, game was
plentiful, including: a herd of 11 elephant, a small pod of hippos near the shore, a large number
of kudu and impala. Wart hogs were seen trotting into the undergrowth.