Friday, 5 August 2011

NV(UK)T launches the "Supporting our Projects" prospectus.

Over the last seven years, the Nyika-Vwaza (UK) Trust, through its Malawian sister charity, the Nyika-Vwaza Trust, has actively supported the work of Malawi’s Department of National Parks and Wildlife in the Nyika National Park and Vwaza Marsh Wildlife Reserve.

Looking forward, we will remain a strong advocate of the Nyika and Vwaza. One way we can do this is by securing funds to support their conservation. To this end, we have launched our prospectus, “Supporting our Projects”. It contains detailed funding proposals for 15 essential projects.

In the longer term, we must also grow our Endowment Fund sufficiently to support the Nyika-Vwaza Trust’s day-to-day activities in Malawi, leaving us to look only for additional funds for capital expenditure and new activities.

If you can help fund one of these projects, or know of others whom we might approach, please contact either me (my details are below) or Harry Foot, our Hon Secretary and Treasurer at Stowford Farm, Harford, Ivybridge, Devon, PL21 0JD; Tel: (0)1752 892632; Email: Similarly, if you would like to know more about our Endowment Fund, please do contact us. Thank you.